Striker/Keeper Camp (Co-Ed)


July 8-10, 2024

Groups & Topic


Athletic Camps
Elementary Aged Children
High Schoolers
Middle Schoolers


MSU Striker/Keeper Camp sessions will be run by the Mississippi State coaching staff and current Mississippi State Women’s Soccer players on the MSU soccer field. Each day, the strikers and goalkeepers will receive functional training individually, and together as a group versus one another. Goalkeepers will be coached in technique and tactical situations, such as: handling and diving technique, dealing with high balls and balls in behind, positioning, shot stopping, distribution and communication. Strikers will be taught and coached through different finishing techniques, surfaces, textures, and movement off the ball per provided scenarios through finishing choreography and drills. When combined, goalkeepers and strikers will play finishing games and small-sided games where functional training can be applied and coached further.

  • No meals provided


$200 (includes t-shirt)
